Avalanche: Turnagain

Location: Seattle Ridge uptrack

Route & General Observations

Observing Seattle Ridge from Tincan skin track

Contact, Location & General Observations
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Forecaster Comments

It is reported that all persons are accounted for and everyone is OK. Kudos to the quick response to assist if need be.

Avalanche Details
If this is an avalanche observation, click yes below and fill in the form as best as you can. If people were involved, please provide details.
Trigger UnknownRemote Trigger Unknown
Avalanche Type GlideAspect Unknown
ElevationunknownSlope Angleunknown
Crown DepthunknownWidth 300ft
Vertical Run 900ft  
Near Miss / Accident Details
Avalanche Details

Watched large glide crack avalanche release above and onto Seattle Ridge motorized up track.
Not sure if it was triggered by snow machine or natural release.
Saw a group of snow machines at the debris pile but were all gone by the time I got there.
Not sure if anyone was caught or buried.

Events of the day

Afternoon skin above Tin Can trees. Watched large glide crack avalanche cover the motorized up track across the highway.
Hustled down to see what was up as a group of snowmachiners were at the debris pile. All were gone by the time I made it down.

Photos & Video
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